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OpenKM - the Two Factor Authentication

Written by Ana Canteli on 7 June 2016

OpenKM presents the Two – Factor Authentication; provided by OpenKM and Google Authenticator.

The 2FA is a method of confirming a user’s claimed identity by utilizing a combination of two different components:

  • Something that user knows : OpenKM’s loging and password.
  • Something that user has: token from Google Authenticator app.

We are use to log in OpenKM with our loging and password.

Now with the 2 factor authentication, the OpenKM user will need the loging and password and also, the 6 digits one-time password that user will see in their movile phone, in order to enter in the E.D.R.M.S.

Therefore, the organisation enjoys a higer security level.

In the following links, there are information about how install and use the 2FA on iPhone and Android.

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